There is no true verb for "to have" in the Hebrew Scripture. You can not say "I have this or that." By the Hebrew language you can not possess anything in this world. It is simply an illusion. There is nothing in this world which you can keep. It is only temporarily entrusted to you. What you think you have, you really do not. If you fight to keep what you have you are fighting for what you do not have.
God is the only person who actually owns anything and He allows us to be stewards of some of His earthly riches. Even your own life is not your own but God's; therefore the burdens in our lives are not ours but God's also.
The only things we can give to God which belongs to us are our sins and our will. The only thing a Christian can truly possess is God Himself. When you have nothing but God, you own everything.
Photo Credit: A vintage Jaguar XK150 on show at Hinton Ampner in Hampshire by Anguskirk