If it is impossible then how can God say "Though your sins be as scarlet, I will make them white as snow." Isaiah 1:18 How can sins, which have already been committed, suddenly be gone, wiped clean from our past? How can any past action disappear so that we become sinless?
The first miracle of Jesus was performed at the wedding at Cana. Because the wine had all been drunk, but they were still celebrating, they needed more wine. Jesus took containers of water and changed it into wine.
How can that be? Wine takes time to make. Even if you had grape juice instead of wine it would still take weeks at least to make it into wine. To change water to wine, you must give it a past where there once was none.
Whatever past sins we have, if we repent, God does not just forgive them. If He did, we would still have them and be the same person as before, and just not be punished for them. It is not just as if we did not sin, but we are completely purified and righteous. No stains of sin exist any more. Those sins have been taken away by Jesus as he hung on the cross. They are now his sins and not ours. Our past is free of all sin, great and small. He has changed you from water to wine.
As a young Christian this song about Christ turning water into wine reminded me of this truth. The Hawaians "He turned the water into wine"