Every Christian must have the attitude of trust in God, in order to fully fight the good fight. Trusting in God does not mean God will bless you with riches for being a good soldier. It means even when things go terribly wrong, when sickness strikes or you lose a loved one in your life, you still trust God. Your Job, money, house, car and everything you own could be lost because of your following God. The one thing no one can take from you is God in your life. You must hold on to Him, trusting that He is still with you and good will come out of your loss.
Does that sound harsh? Does that sound like something that only happens to others and will never happen to you? You do not know what tomorrow will bring into your life. Satan and his horde of demons are out to get you. The unredeemed of this world are also out to get you. Satan has set the world against all who follow Christ.
When evil occurs in your life, remember one thing, God is working it for good. Throughout scripture, God takes the evil in peoples' lives and creates good. Joseph was sold into slavery by his brothers, but God took that evil and used Joseph to save the lives of millions of people, including his own family. Joseph told his brothers, "But as for you, you meant evil against me; but God meant it for good, in order to bring it about as it is this day, to save many people alive." Genesis 50:20
Another example of what man meant for evil but God using it for good is when Jesus was before the Sanhedrin and after they condemned him to death, the priest repeated struck his face with their hands. Matthew 26:67
What we don't realize is that the priest slapping Jesus in the face was required in order that the sacrifice of Jesus for our sins be properly done. It is required that the one offering the sacrifice touch the head of the sacrifice. There is also an ancient rabbinical writing stating that when more than one person offers up a sacrifice, they must all take turns touching the head.
What the priest meant for evil and an insult to Christ, God used for good. Jesus had to have his head touched by the priests in order that he might be the sacrifice for the sins of the world.
What hardships or evil is in your life that God can turn into good? Trust God to work wonders in your life.
Photo Credit: Hand by Randy Auschrat