Yes! They are out to kill you as well. It is a conspiracy that is worldwide, led by our arch enemy Satan. He is enlisting more and more people to do his bidding. The world is full of people following Satan and fighting against those who follow Christ, as well as those God has deemed to be His Chosen people.
Jesus tells us that Satan is the ruler of this world (John14:30) and (1 John 5:19). Those who are not God's belong to Satan. What is Satan's plan? John 10:10 tells us exactly what he is conspiring to do. He wants to kill you, steal your blessings and destroy you, your reputation and all that is good in your life.
Satan has been plotting against the people of God since the times of Adam and Eve. Don't think he won't work to kill you as well. He hates you! Do you think you're safe here in the United States? Hatred is growing. Laws are written against God and those who follow Him. The Children of Satan are conspiring to get rid of God and, if you follow God, you as well.
The only hope we have is found in Christ who watches over us and keeps us safe. As we get closer to the Second Coming of Jesus, things will only get worse.
"And do this, understanding the present time: The hour has already come for you to wake up from your slumber because our salvation is nearer now than when we first believed." Romans 13:11
Photo Credit: 061-Evil Eye by Phil Balchin