An example of the prophecies is Zechariah 11:12 which says that (1) 30 pieces of silver would be paid for Messiah and (2) that the money would be used to buy a potters field. Other prophecies talk about the Messiah being born in Bethlehem, He would be crucified, rejected by his own people, he would die with the wicked and be buried in a new tomb for the rich, and many other prophecies.
Let's be very conservative and say that the chance of any of those over 300 prophecies had a one in ten chance to be fulfilled by someone. Of course, the odds are so much higher but for our purposes, we will be very lenient to the skeptics of the world. This means that the odds of someone fulfilling 300 prophecies are 10 to the 300th power.
We could take a silver dollar, mark it and drop that silver dollar in a three-foot-deep pile of silver dollars that covered Texas. Then have someone blindfolded go out and pick up one coin and it is the right coin, BUT those odds are way too small for what we are working with here. We need a much larger area than Texas.
If we took an atom (instead of a silver coin) and marked it and then dropped it somewhere in the universe the odds of someone going out into the universe and picking out just the right atom is 10 to the 66th power. (scientist estimate there are 10 to the 66th power of atoms in the universe) The odds are still not great enough.
We would have to have a universe that is 10 to the 234th power bigger than our present universe in order to match the odds of Jesus fulfilling 300 prophecies at only a 1 in 10 chance.
If you still don't think Jesus is The Messiah, who cleanses the sins those who believe in him, then the odds are so far against you that you would be a fool to not at least investigate who Jesus is.
"I am the LORD; that is my name! I will not yield my glory to another or my praise to idols. See, the former things have taken place, and new things I declare; before they spring into being I announce them to you." Isaiah 42:8-9
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