Monday, August 14, 2017

The Cursed Crown of Christ

A crown is placed on the head of the person who is to rule.  It symbolizes how the weight of the kingdom now rests upon his head.  He is the one who now has the authority over those who the crown represents.

Jesus was crowned with a crown of thorns.  Thorns are the result of the sin committed in the Garden of Eden.  The thorns represent the curse of sin.  No man in all of history has had authority over sin. Sin has wrecked havoc over the entire human race, until Jesus came.  Jesus wore the crown of thorns which was placed on his head to mock him, but instead Jesus wore that crown of suffering and death as a true king.

Jesus does have authority over the curse of sin.  He is the King over injustice. He is the King over suffering and death.  Jesus Christ is the King over all sin.

The Cursed Crown of Christ has become the Blessed Crown of Life.

Photo Credit: Crown of Thorns by Doug1021

Friday, August 11, 2017


You hear the phrase "OMG!" or "Oh my God!" all the time.  Even many Christians use it and perhaps you use it as well.  I am not trying to lay a guilt trip on you, but I don't think people who use that phrase really think about what they are saying.

Exodus 20:7 says "Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain; for the LORD will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain."

The key to understanding this verse is found in the word "vain."  The Hebrew word for vain is shawv. Shawv meant destructive evil, to ruin morally, vain, lying, false and uselessness.  It is an interesting word.  Cursing someone such as "God damn you!" would definitely be classified as evil and destructive.  It is also very vain to think that you can command God to cast someone into eternal torment. Using God's name to swear falsely or to lie something like "I swear to God!" is assuming that you have the right to swear on God, or have Him as your witness.

OMG falls under the heading of uselessness.  Saying "Jesus!" or "Jesus Christ!" also is using the name of God uselessly.  God's name is more than just some words.  Have you noticed that names have a meaning?  A person's name represents not just the person, but the essence of that person.  My name is David which means beloved. Most people don't think of the meaning of my name, but to me it says that I am God's beloved.  It has helped to remind me of my place with God and I have striven to please the one who loves me so.  It has helped to make me who I am today.

There are rules on how to honor the American flag.  You do not let the flag touch the ground, or the floor. You stand up and take off your hat when it passes by.  You honor the flag because it represents the United States of America.  We are to honor the name of God just like that.  Just as you would never use the American flag as a rug to walk on, you don't walk all over the name of God with useless or vile words.

Would you dishonor your loved one's name? This blog is about mysteries and the mystery here is: "Why do we dishonor the name of our God?"

Photo Credit: no cartoon swearing by AdsitAdventures

Wednesday, August 9, 2017

You are a Poem of God

I am terrible at writing poetry.  A poem flows smoothly, with rhythm and structure. It can bring laughter or tears.  A poem can make you think deeply or help you to just enjoy life.   It expresses emotions from the heart and can be a beautiful masterpiece of the spirit.

Do you know about the Poem of God?  In Ephesians 2:10 the word workmanship is the Greek word Poihma.  Poihma is where we get the word Poem.  So Ephesians 2:10 then would read. "So we are His poem,..."

You are a poem of God.  He is the author of your life.  He is creating you as a poem filled with love, peace, goodness, and His Spirit. As you let God write your poem, it enhances the flow with His Spirit in all that you are. Your heart will then beat with His heart.  You are the Poem of God. You are a masterpiece of God. 

The Latter Rain Mystery

In Israel they have two rainy seasons.  The former rains which comes just after summer, and the latter rains which occur just before spring planting.  These rains are essential to life in Israel.  Without the rains the land of Israel would be a dry desert where nothing could live.

In the book of Joel, God promises to send both the former rain and the latter rain, but He also promises to send His Spirit to His people and on those who serve Him.  There was a spiritual rain which was poured out in Acts 2 at Pentecost.  Jewish believers and people from all over the known world were blessed by this former rain of the spirit, which brought life and strength to those who followed Christ.

The latter rain is promised to come at the last days.  The pouring out of the Spirit will bring life and strength to serve God.  It will embolden believers to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ, just as it did the first time.  And just as it started in Israel and spread throughout the world, I believe it will do so again.  144,000 Jewish evangelist are prophesied in Revelation to preach Christ and the world will hear from them and others who come to Christ.  Israel is where God does His greatest works.

Does this mean we are to wait for the out pouring of the spirit today?  Heaven forbid! We are to seek out The Spirit every moment of our lives.  We do not need a great revival of thousands in order to have a revival of our own heart.  Stop seeking the movement of God in a great revival and seek the movement of God in your own heart. 

Tuesday, August 8, 2017

An Oily Name

The Song of Solomon is about a bride and a groom, but it is also about God and us.  Jesus is the groom and his church is the bride.  In the Song of Solomon the bride says "You name is oil poured forth."

Oil had multiple uses including healing, cooking, cosmetics and many other things.  It was beautiful, soothing and had a sweet fragrance.  Oil was an essential part of everyday living.

When the bride says his name is oil, she is saying that she loves him so much that even his name is beautiful.  His name brings joy and healing to her heart.  His name soothes and comforts her.  His very name is a sweet fragrance to her ears.

There is one whose name is linked to oil.  The title Christ comes from the Greek translation of the word Mashiach or Messiah. The title Messiah comes from the word Mashiach which means the Anointed One.  When someone was chosen by God for a holy task such as a priest or king, they would be anointed with oil.   The name we call Jesus is Jesus the anointed one.

Jesus is our beloved.  His name is oil poured forth. We are to love him so completely that even his name is a beautiful fragrance which lingers in our hearts.  The name of Jesus soothes and comforts us. His name should be a essential part of our everyday living.

Monday, August 7, 2017

Our Footstool World

Isaiah 66:1 says that God's throne is in Heaven and the Earth is His Footstool.  Why would the Earth be God's footstool?  It seems like a strange thing to say.  One thing we can be sure is that God never says something nonsensical.

The throne is where the weight of God resides.  The word for weight in the Hebrew is Kavode. Kovode also means glory. So Heaven is where the weight and glory of God is found.  The earth could not contain the glory of God. The Earth is where you will find the footprints of God.

We live in a footstool world where only the imprint of God and His work is found.  Christians also are imprints of the work of God. and His glory is not found completely in the life of a saved person. The weight and glory of God can only be found complete and full in Heaven.  That is where a true believer will be complete.

Until that day we are to lightly rest our feet on our footstool world.  We can not sit here relying on the world to hold us.  We must follow the example of God and rest fully in the heavenlies and not in this world.

Photo Credit: More evidence of the carnage but look! Footstool! Yah! by Nikki Hunt 

Saturday, August 5, 2017

The Mystery of the Wilderness

Has your life ever seemed barren, hard and forbidding as if you were walking through one of life's wilderness experiences?

The Hebrew word for wilderness is called midbar and comes from the root word davar.  Davar means to speak. When you see people in the Bible out in the wilderness many times it is where God calls them so He can speak to them.  Moses was in  the midbar when the burning bush spoke to him. Elijah heard the still small voice while out in the midbar.  The children of Israel where out in the midbar when they received God's law.

There are few distractions in the wilderness; rock, sand, a few shrubs and you. This is where God brings us so that we might hear His voice.  This is not a time to despise and find distractions to fill your life with, but a time to listen to God's voice.  Draw near to God.  Open your heart to hear what He has to tell you.  Seek to hear what He has to say and God will speak to you.

This is where you will find the Holy Ground of God's presence.  This is where God will call out your name and tell you what is on His heart.  The midbar of life is where God draws you away to so that you can experience the heart of God for your life.

Photo Credit: Sunrise over the Negev desert in Eruz, Israel by JSW186