In Genesis 1:28 God commands Adam and Eve to go out into the world, be fruitful and multiply. Have children, fill the world with human life. The fruit of the womb was blessed by God and He wanted them to fill the whole world with children.
A marriage is designed for having children. Children are designed to be raised by a father and a mother. Children living in a healthy home with a mother and father are far more likely to attain a happy and fulfilling life.
Marriage was also created as a model of our relationship with God. A man and a woman are different. They have different ways of thinking. Their bodies are designed for different purposes. It is mystery how two so different individuals can not just tolerate each other but flourish with love for each other. Together they find the part of themselves which was missing before they were married.
Man and God are also different. It amazes me to think that God could love someone like me, and yet He does. God created mankind so He could have intimate fellowship with us. His desire is to bless us completely. He is there to lead, guide, protect and defend us. Together, God and man, we fulfill a spiritual oneness that nothing else can answer.
This spiritual oneness produces spiritual fruit. There are few things, if any, that God has ever done in this world, since creation, without man's participation. To be spiritually fruitful man requires God. A man and a man, or a woman and a woman, can not be fruitful and have children. Since creation, God has not produced a human life without the aid of a human. It takes both different elements to produce life.
Marriage is for two people to love each other completely and fully, just as God and man are designed to love each other completely and fully. Both are designed to bear fruit and to fill the world with life both physical and spiritual.
Photo by Ilya Yakover on Unsplash