She will still sleep in her own bed, do the chores she did before, and live the same life she had before this. Her life is the same, but one thing has changed. She is now The Bride. She has a future set before her that she never had before.
Everything in her life seems the same except for the future she must prepare for. She must gather her trousseau of clothes, household linens and other belongings she will need as the wife of the groom. She may live in the home of her parents, but she does not belong to that home anymore. She belongs to her groom.
The price has been paid for us by our groom and while he is away to prepare a place for us we must prepare for our new life with him. We do not belong in this world anymore. We belong to the house of God. We are now part of his family.
While the bride prepared for her future life, the Shomer (best man) would act as the go between between the bride and groom. Everything she needed to know the Shomer would inform her of and communicate to the groom everything that came from the bride.
The Holy Spirit is our go between with Christ and us. When we have needs that our groom could help with, the Holy Spirit informs Christ who then comes to us with the answer. He speaks as the voice of Christ to us.
The word shomer means 'guard'. The Holy Spirit guards us for the future day when we shall meet our groom Christ Jesus. He helps make us ready by guarding our purity and guides us to all things righteous.
Today we are the bride preparing for our eternal future with our awesome groom Jesus Christ. We do not know when he will come for us. He might come before your next breath. Are you ready?
To read other post from this series:
Part one "Purchasing the Bride"
Part three "The Brides Future Home"
Part four "The Snatching of the Bride"
Part five "The Bridal Chamber"
Photo by STIL on Unsplash