Their appearance is one of life but soon they will droop and wither away. Those flowers had the outward appearance of life, but without nourishment, they quickly reveal that they can no longer sustain life. From the time they are separated from their roots, they are in an imminent spiral to death.
I have friends that I have known for many years who loved the lord, went to church weekly and read their Bibles daily. They decided the church was not for them and slowly they have spiraled into a spiritual death spin. No one holds them accountable or encourages them. They stop reading scripture and it doesn't take long before they live a life no different than anyone else in the world.
We are to meet regularly with other believers. Separating from the church will end in disaster. We are to read God's word. Separating ourselves from the Scriptures will end in falling into the sinful traps of the world.
God loves you so much and wants to show you that love through other believers and tell you Himself through His word. Do not cut yourself off from God.
Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash