Thursday, December 7, 2017

Ezekiel 38 invasion of Israel

The Middle East is in turmoil and it is getting worse every day.  Turkey, Russia, and Iran have joined together in an alliance.  Iran now has missile sites in Syria, close to the border of Israel.  In order to keep their military safer, Iran is moving troops into Damascus.  The Middle East is not falling apart,  it is all falling together as the Bible prophecied. 

I am telling you here what I see going on today from my own research.  This is not God speaking, but me and I can be wrong.  So check it out for yourself.

President Trump has just announced that the USA will move its embassy from Tele Viv to Jerusalem.  The Arabs are not happy but I am sure God is happy to see us recognizing Jerusalem, just as the Bible says it is the Capital of Israel.  This announcement could be the catalyst for nations to try to invade and destroy Israel.

What nations does the Bible say will try to invade Israel?  Look at the map above and see. Russia, Eastern Europe, Turkey, Iran, Libia, and Ethiopia.  Notice which nations are not going to invade.  .  The two nations that at this moment are on friendly terms with Israel, Saudia Arabia, and Egypt

Isaiah 17 is a prophecy that Damascus will be totally destroyed.  Could it be because Israel will destroy it so that the Iranians stationed there will be killed?  These things are all very possible right now.  We are seeing the prophecies of God being fulfilled right before our eyes.  Many in the world will be fearful but as a Christian, we have nothing to fear because God is in control. 

These are the end times and we should be looking for the Lord's return, but while we are still on this world we are to be working.  There are souls who will die in their sins unless we tell them about salvation in Jesus Christ.

The time is short and the harvest is great. 

Wednesday, December 6, 2017


Abraham brought his only son Isaac to the mountains region of Moriah where Jerusalem sits today, so he could obey God's command to sacrifice his beloved son who was promised to him by God.  He trusted God's promise that Isaac would be the beginning of generations of Abraham's descendants in spite of being told to kill Isaac.

Isaac noticed that as they walked up the mountain that they didn't have a lamb for the sacrifice.  Abraham told him, "My son, Jehovah-Jireh (God will provide) for Himself the lamb for a burnt offering." Genesis 22:8a

When they reached the top and Isaac was laid upon the wood to be sacrificed, an angel stopped him from plunging the knife into Isaac.  It was then that a ram was seen caught in a thicket and they sacrificed the ram which God provided to Abraham.  Abraham named that place, "Jehovah-Jireh" which means "The LORD will provide"

About 1600 years later on the mountains of Moriah, God provided another lamb to be sacrificed.  Jesus Christ was crucified there for the sins of the world.  Again Jehovah-Jirah provided a lamb.

Just as God provided to Abraham so that he could fulfill what God desired of him, God provides to us so that we can obey Him.  When God asks us to do something we think impossible, we are probably right.  We can not fulfill God's desires for us in the flesh but when we trust God to provide, all things are possible.

God is trustworthy.  He will never call upon us to minister without providing all that we need to fulfill His desires.  Always trust Jehovah-Jirah.

Photo Credit: Golgotha by R~P~M

Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Life is Found in God

Have you ever picked a bouquet of flowers and set them on a table in a pretty vase?  The look so beautiful and their fragrance fills the room.  Flowers are used in weddings, given to the people we love and to cheer up those who are sick.  They are a wonder of God and look so alive.

Their appearance is one of life but soon they will droop and wither away.  Those flowers had the outward appearance of life, but without nourishment, they quickly reveal that they can no longer sustain life.  From the time they are separated from their roots, they are in an imminent spiral to death. 

I have friends that I have known for many years who loved the lord, went to church weekly and read their Bibles daily.  They decided the church was not for them and slowly they have spiraled into a spiritual death spin.  No one holds them accountable or encourages them.  They stop reading scripture and it doesn't take long before they live a life no different than anyone else in the world.

We are to meet regularly with other believers.  Separating from the church will end in disaster.   We are to read God's word.  Separating ourselves from the Scriptures will end in falling into the sinful traps of the world.

God loves you so much and wants to show you that love through other believers and tell you Himself through His word.  Do not cut yourself off from God.

Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

Monday, December 4, 2017

Your White Stone with a New Name

"And I will give him a white stone, and on the stone, a new name written which no one knows except him who receives it." Revelation 2:17b

Jesus gave this promise to those in the churches who overcome.  The people who turn away from the ways of the world and follow Christ.  Isn't it interesting that the stone will not have your name on it but will have a 'new name' written on it?  Why a new name?

There are many times that God renames someone.  Abram and Sarai became Abraham and Sarah, Simon became Peter, and Jacob became Israel.  God also named Adam, but then He had Adam name his wife and all the animals.  Giving a name to someone or something is a very important act.

To name someone means that you are going to oversee them.  You are taking responsibility for their life.  You will protect them and see that they have food, clothing, and all that they need.  You are the head of the one you name and will guide them in the best ways to go.  You are their leader and their greatest servant.

God named Adam because God was the one responsible for protecting and guiding Adam.  He oversaw Adam's life so that Adam would have the best life possible.  Adam named the animals and Eve because he was to oversee them.  He was to provide and protect them.

When we marry, the woman takes the man's name.  He is naming her and is taking responsibility for her every need.  He is the head of the house because when good or bad occurs within the home, he is ultimately responsible to God for his family. 

God gives us a new name because He has taken responsibility for us. He is the one who is responsible to care for us.  Jesus is our head and Jesus is the one responsible for all the good and the bad that we have done in our lives.  He took the bad by dying for our sins and we give him the glory for the good which is found in our lives.

We have a new name because we now have a new king on the throne of our hearts.  A king who provides for our needs and is willing to even die for us.  That new name is the whole gospel personally written for you.

Photo Credit: Singled Out by Domiriel

Friday, December 1, 2017

Saint David

You are a saint.  A holy and sanctified one set apart for the purposes of God.  What does it mean to be a saint?  Biblically it is not someone the Catholic Church declares to be a saint.  All people who accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior are saints.  That is who are the saints, but what is a saint?

A Saint is someone who is Holy.  Israel was declared holy by God, a nation set apart from all other nations for God's purposes.  From the nation of Israel, the Levites were separated and from the Levites, God separated the cohanim to a holier calling as the priest. The holiest priest was the High Priest who once a year went into the Holy of Holies alone to sprinkle blood on the mercy seat for the sins of the nation.  Every degree of holiness was matched with an equal degree of separation unto God.

The most separated people were the holiest people.  A saint is a person separated from the world and given to the purposes of God.  The more separated we are, the holier we are.  God desires us to be separate. To stand out from the world because we now have the mind of Christ so that those in the world will see Him and desire to come to God.  We are to separate ourselves from the world but love the people in the world back to Christ.

If Jesus is your Saviour, then you are a Holy vessel of God set apart for sacred work in the world.  You are a saint of the living God.

Thursday, November 30, 2017

The Temples of Desecration

In 168 BC Antiochus Epiphanes desecrated Herod's temple by putting a statue of Zeus in the Holy of Holies and sacrificing pigs to it.  This stirred up the Jews who, led by the Maccabees, revolted and overthrew their oppressors. The Jews then cleansed and rededicated the temple.  The word for dedication is 'Chanukah' and from that day forth they celebrated the Feast of Chanukah.  Even Jesus celebrated Chanukah. John 10:22-23

Today there is no temple in Jerusalem but God has another temple which is created as His holy place in which His presence is to dwell.  In fact, there are many such temples.  You were created to be the dwelling place of God.  You are a temple purposed to hold the creator of the universe.

Everyone who lives in this world was meant to contain God within them.  Sadly what dwells within most of those temples is darkness, sin, and foulness so vile that God cannot enter in.  The world is filled with temples of desecration.  God created every person to be a holy dwelling place, but we have defiled our temples and now only the filth of self is found within.

Every person must have their own Chanukah, their own dedication to God.  Even Christians have idols they set up to other gods which must be taken out and cleansed.  If you sin, you have an idol. 

Non-believers can not see what is inside them, but the scriptures are like a mirror to show what filth there is in a person so that they might come to God and be cleansed.

We must Chanukah our selves to God and help others, with love, to find the cleansing of their temple through the blood of Jesus Christ.

Photo Credit: Happy Chanukah to All! by John

Wednesday, November 29, 2017

The Secret of a Blessed Life

Look around at all that you own.  Look at others who are richer and own even more.  Look at the person who owns the company you work for.  Look at everyone in the United States and how much we have compared to those in other countries.  Are we blessed?

You said "yes" didn't you?  While I can not disagree, I must point out that all those blessings are just material blessings.  There are many rich people who are blessed with material goods but do not have the spiritual blessings found in a life with Jesus as Lord and savior.

Material blessings are just temporary and will ultimately not mean a thing.  To be truly blessed we need to open up our hearts to God and allow Him to bless us with eternal blessings.  The people who find the joys of God's blessings are those who seek God. 

God pours out blessings to us every day, both material and spiritual.  The only way to receive the spiritual blessings as God pours out them out is to have your heart open to God and ready to receive them.  Too often we are looking for the material blessings of God and forget the spiritual.  We hunger for the temporary and ignore the eternal.

The secret is simple.  "But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you." Matthew 6:33

Photo by Serge Kutuzov on Unsplash