Heaven is even more real than this world is. It is not some ethereal, mystical place with ghostly figures floating through the air. Let's look at what you will find in Heaven.
1. It is full of mansions. There is no bad side of town in Heaven. Everyone will have their own mansion designed and built by the greatest carpenter who ever lived, Jesus Christ. John 14:2-3
2. Heaven is where the godly shall live. Those who accepted Jesus Christ as Savior shall call it home and all who live in Heaven will be perfect and never do anything wicked again. There is no crime in Heaven. Jeremiah 3:17 and Hebrews 12:22-23
3. There will be no confusion or arguments about what to believe or who is the one true God. Revelation 7:9-10
4. There is no sorrow or pain. There is no hunger or thirst. There will only be pure joy and contentment. Revelation 7:15-17
5. The throne of God in Heaven is going to be a very loud place. Revelation 4:5 talks about there being lightnings, thunderings, and voices raised up.
6. Riches in this world will be so ordinary as to become construction materials. Gates will be made from single giant pearls. The roads will be pure gold. Building foundations will be precious gems. Revelation 21:19-21
7. Heaven is illuminated by the Glory of God. There is no need for a sun or moon for God Himself will be the light and there will be no night. Revelation 21:23-25
8. The Tree of Life is in Heaven. It bears 12 kinds of fruit and its leaves are for healing the nations. Revelation 22:2
9. In Heaven we shall have glorified bodies just like the resurrected body of Jesus. A body that is incorruptible. A body that will never grow old, grow weak, get sick, or die. A perfect body that will last forever. 1 Corinthians 15:40-49
10. God sits on His throne in Heaven. You could have items 1-9 but without God living in Heaven, it would all be just another place with nothing really special. What makes Heaven, Heaven is the presence of God. What makes Hell, Hell is the absence of God. Isaiah 66:1
What makes your life a Heaven or a Hell is the presence or absence of God.
Photo by Robert Lukeman on Unsplash