1. Who goes to Hell? Everyone who chooses not to follow God. If you think you can live without God, than God will allow you to live forever without Him. The place you go is called Hell or the Lake of Fire. The conditions of Hell exist because God is not there.
2. What is Hell like? It is eternal Matthew 25:46 and all who are there are eternal as well. It is the blackest darkness anyone has ever seen. Jude 13 and you are eternally alone. Hell is a firey furnace of torment. Matthew 3:42 and there is no rest Revelation 14:11
3. God did not create Hell for manknd but for Satan and the angels who followed him, but anyone who follows the evil of Satan instead of God will be thrown into Hell as well. Matthew 25:41
4. Because of His love, God does not desire any to go to Hell. Because of His Justice He must punish those who go against His law. Psalm 99:4 Colossians 3:25
5. The way to avoid Hell God sent Jesus Christ to die for our sins. He took the punishment so that we could live eternally with God and not eternally in Hell. John 3:16 Romans 6:23
Churches do not talk about Hell very much, but Hell is real. People need to understand what it is like and how God loves them so much He sent Jesus to die for them so that they can avoid Hell. I post this today because I do not want you to find out first hand what Hell is like.
Photo Credit: Pain by Fabrizio Lonzini