Tuesday, August 1, 2017

How to be a Jonah

Jonah was a Jewish prophet called to preach to the people of Nineveh.  What you need to understand is that Nineveh was hated by the Jews because of their cruelty and wickedness.  The Ninevites would carry home from war pieces of their enemies bodies as souvenirs. They would skin people alive and think nothing of it.   Jonah feared the Assyrians and wanted nothing to do with their sadistic empire. He was delighted that God would destroy them in forty short days.

He also knew that God was a God of mercy, and if the people of Nineveh should repent then God would relent and let them live.  He couldn't take the chance of them repenting so Jonah ran.  God had called Jonah and Jonah purposely disobeyed.  A big fish swallowed Jonah, and Jonah suddenly decides he would love to go visit Nineveh.

Jonah told the people in Nineveh that God was going to destroy them and, much to his dismay, they listened and repented.  Jonah got mad because thousands of lives were spared instead of having God destroy them.

It is easy to be a Jonah and many of us do a great job at being a Jonah.  Christians are to show God's love, but we think it is fine to be happy at the death of a murderer, terrorist, pedophile  or anyone who does something we consider evil.  We want those people to die, face God's judgment and go to Hell.

God wants everyone to repent of their wicked ways and follow Him.  Does that mean capital punishment is wrong?  No.  Capital punishment is the result of actions we have done in this life. What God desires is for us to be more concerned about the souls of men than judgment.  We are to look past the evil actions people do and out of love, reach out and bring them to God.  There is no sin so terrible that God is not greater.  His mercy can cover any and all sin.

Is there an enemy in your life that you are hoping meets face to face with God someday and get thrown into eternal damnation?  God's hope is that you will help bring your enemy to live forever in Heaven with God

Photo Credit: Jonah watches Nineveh under the booth by Evans E

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