Wednesday, July 26, 2017

How to Change Your Past

We all have times in our past which we regret.  Can those times be altered so that they never happened?  If you took a white shirt and dyed it so that every fiber of that shirt was totally red, could you undye it, so that it was as white as before?

If it is impossible then how can God say "Though your sins be as scarlet, I will make them white as snow." Isaiah 1:18   How can sins, which have already been committed, suddenly be gone, wiped clean from our past?  How can any past action disappear so that we become sinless?

The first miracle of Jesus was performed at the wedding at Cana.  Because the wine had all been drunk, but they were still celebrating, they needed more wine.  Jesus took containers of water and changed it into wine.

How can that be?  Wine takes time to make.  Even if you had grape juice instead of wine it would still take weeks at least to make it into wine.  To change water to wine, you must give it a past where there once was none.

Whatever past sins we have, if we repent, God does not just forgive them.  If He did, we would still have them and be the same person as before, and just not be punished for them.  It is not just as if we did not sin, but we are completely purified and righteous.  No stains of sin exist any more.  Those sins have been taken away by Jesus as he hung on the cross.  They are now his sins and not ours.  Our past is free of all sin, great and small.  He has changed you from water to wine.

As a young Christian this song about Christ turning water into wine reminded me of this truth.  The Hawaians "He turned the water into wine"

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

The Exact Time of Jesus' Crucifixion Foretold

The law of the Tamid was started in Exodus 29: 38-39. It was the daily sacrifice of a lamb in the morning and another in the evening.  The morning sacrifice took place at the third hour of the day (9 am) and the evening sacrifice at the ninth hour of the day (3 pm.)

Tamid means daily, forever perpetual, always, and continual. As the morning sacrifice took place, the temple trumpets would sound and the temple gates would be opened. At the ninth hour the second lamb was slain as the evening sacrifice and all sacrifices at the temple would cease for the day.

Jesus was nailed to the cross on the third hour of the day.  As the temple trumpets sounded over Jerusalem, Jesus was raised up on the cross to suffer and die.  The sacrifices in the temple began just as Jesus' crucifixion began.

At the ninth hour Jesus cried out "It is finished" and bowing his head he gave up his spirit.  As he took that final breath, the second lamb was slain and all sacrifices in the temple ceased.

Jesus is our Tamid.  His sacrifice was for our daily sins from our furthest past, through today and forever.  His sacrifice was a perpetual sacrifice that will always and continually cover our sins.

The Tamid sacrifice of the lambs was a foreshadowing of what Jesus would do on the cross even down to the exact time of his crucifixion and death.

Monday, July 24, 2017

The Origin of Palestine.

The Jews revolted against Rome in 66 AD resulting in Rome destroying Jerusalem in 70 AD.  Until 134 AD the Jews fought the yoke of Rome within the Empire. This resulted in hundreds of thousand deaths and the depopulation of areas in the Roman Empire such as Libya and Cyrene.  The Jews ambushed and killed the XII Roman Legion and were a major problem to the Empire.  This period is known as the Jewish-Roman Wars.

While the Jewish-Roman wars took place mostly outside of Judea, a revolt began within Judea in 132 called the Bar Kokhba revolt.  This revolt, led by Simon Bar Kokhba, started when they cut off the Roman garrison in Jerusalem.  The Romans tried unsuccessfully to subdue the revolt and the Jews initially had victories over the Romans.  Many of the Jews regarded Bar Kokhba as The Messiah.

Roman Emperor Hadrian was tired of these troublesome Jews.  He assembled a large scale Roman force of six full legions and finally crushed the revolt in 134 AD.  This resulted in the depopulation of Judea.  Hundreds of thousands of Jews were killed and many more died of hunger or disease.  Many of those left were sold into slavery. Jews where forbidden to enter Jerusalem and were executed if found there.

The city of Jerusalem was renamed the Roman city of Aelia Capitolina.  To wipe out even the memory of Judea or Ancient Israel the Emperor renamed the region, Palaestina after the Philistines who had been wiped out and totally disappeared in the 5th century BC.

The name Palestine was used to deny the Jews the right to the land of Israel.  It is used to change the history of Israel and deny the prophetic words of God for His people and the land of Israel.  Palestine denies God, the Bible, and the promises of God including the second coming of Jesus Christ. 

Thursday, July 20, 2017

The Milk of God

When we were born we came into a totally alien world of which we knew nothing about.  Innately we did know one thing about our new world, mother's milk. Without knowing what it taste like, looked like or if it was even real, we knew that it would satisfy our hunger.

When we were born milk satisfied our physical needs, but there were other needs that were also born within us.  Needs that we also knew nothing about and yet we knew that they must be satisfied from somewhere outside of ourselves.  The need for love was a driving force in our lives, which was first met by our mothers.  As we grew older we found we needed more than just her love.  We sought out the perfect love.

Perhaps we found a person to love and married them.  Marriage can bring much love into our lives, but it is not perfect and does not perfectly satisfy.  We try to fill that desire for love with many things such as jobs, money, sex, drugs, friendships, possessions but find them not perfectly satisfying either.

That desire was placed in us by God, just like the desire for mother's milk was, but it is a spiritual desire.  The desire for the perfect, eternal love of God.  He and He alone is the spiritual milk of life that can satisfy the longing of our lives.

"Satisfy us in the morning with your unfailing love, that we may sing for joy and be glad all our days."  Psalm 90:14

Tuesday, July 18, 2017

The Mystery of God's Zeroa

Zeroa is the Hebrew word for "arm" or "strength."  When we think of God's strong arm, we think how He is mighty and invincible.  No force in all the universe, no person or demon can ever even hope to defeat Him.  His very words have the power to create or destroy.  A man will live or die at the very whim of God.  He is the most terrible and awesome force in the universe.

Isaiah 53:1 says, "Who has believed our message?  And to whom has the arm of the LORD been revealed?"

Have you seen the strength of the lord and just how mighty God is?  If you read the rest of Isaiah 53  you will find that the Zeroa of God, in this chapter, is a person.  A person who has no beauty or attractiveness.  A person despised and forsaken.  He is a man of sorrow and full of grief.  The Zeroa of God is pierced, crushed, scourged and during it all he was silent.

Jesus Christ is the Zeroa, the strength, of God.  Even though he was righteous and blameless, he suffered the torture and death we dealt to him.  He could easily have simply stopped it all and destroyed all people if he so desired.  He had the power and the right to never go through that pain and suffering.

The Zeroa of God is found in His love.  Love so powerful and strong, the arm of God Almighty was weak, broken and died on a cross for you.

Photo Credit: Crown of Thorns by Waiting for the Word

What is Love?

Love is putting yourself in the place of another.  When you love someone you feel their pain and share their joy.  When they are burdened, you share that burden with them.  Where they are poor, you share out of your abundance.  Love willingly suffers to bring healing.

The greatest example of Love is God Himself who came into this world to share the pain and suffering of this life. He laughed with us and cried with us.  He lifted burdens and gave life to even the most despised and rejected people. Jesus even lifted the burden of sin by being tortured and murdered for our sins.

The love of God did not end at the cross.  Even today He wants to share our burdens.  He cries when we cry and rejoices when we rejoice.  He wants to walk with us through life and share all that you experience.  He desires to teach us about His love so that we can follow His example and love others.  We are to put ourselves in the place of others just as He did.  Just as God came down from the throne of Heaven to this world, we are to go where ever needed to share the Love of God. We are to put ourselves into the place of another.

Photo Credit: help by Rachel

Saturday, July 15, 2017

Creation Day or Eons?

The "Gap" theory states that there is a gap of millions of years between Genesis 1 verse 1 and verse 2.  In that gap evolution took place from the time of the Big bang until the fall of Satan and a great war occurred which destroyed all creation.  God then re-created what we have today.

Just as the "Day-age" creationist try to answer the problem of Evolution, by saying each day in creation is actually millions of years, the Gap tries to reconcile the Bible and Evolution.  The problem with both of these is that if what they say is true then GOD LIED!!

There is a lot of biblical evidence against these two theories but lets look at just one.  When did death come into  the world? Death is a result of sin and there was no sin in the world until Adam and Eve sinned by eating the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil.  Genesis 2:27

If death never occurred before the fall then the dinosaurs could not have died out millions of years ago. Every animal and plant which was born or planted would still have been alive and well.  Of course this is all impossible.

God does not lie.  Even if you do not see how what God says could be true, believe the impossible from God before you believe what your own eyes sees.