Thursday, July 20, 2017

The Milk of God

When we were born we came into a totally alien world of which we knew nothing about.  Innately we did know one thing about our new world, mother's milk. Without knowing what it taste like, looked like or if it was even real, we knew that it would satisfy our hunger.

When we were born milk satisfied our physical needs, but there were other needs that were also born within us.  Needs that we also knew nothing about and yet we knew that they must be satisfied from somewhere outside of ourselves.  The need for love was a driving force in our lives, which was first met by our mothers.  As we grew older we found we needed more than just her love.  We sought out the perfect love.

Perhaps we found a person to love and married them.  Marriage can bring much love into our lives, but it is not perfect and does not perfectly satisfy.  We try to fill that desire for love with many things such as jobs, money, sex, drugs, friendships, possessions but find them not perfectly satisfying either.

That desire was placed in us by God, just like the desire for mother's milk was, but it is a spiritual desire.  The desire for the perfect, eternal love of God.  He and He alone is the spiritual milk of life that can satisfy the longing of our lives.

"Satisfy us in the morning with your unfailing love, that we may sing for joy and be glad all our days."  Psalm 90:14

1 comment:

John Spencer said...

"If *I find in myself desires which nothing in this world can satisfy, the only logical explanation is that I was made for another world"
CS Lewis