Why Bethlehem? Jesus could have been born in Jerusalem or any of a hundred other towns, but God chose Bethlehem. Why? God could have prophesied Jesus' birth anywhere, so why Bethlehem?
I usually just read the Bible and not think much about why God would choose this person or place, but I have come to realize that every detail in the Bible has a purpose. All my life I never thought twice about Bethlehem. It just was what it was.
Bethlehem is more than just the small town that King David came from. In ancient days the rabbis declared that the only place where one could shepherd a flock was in the wilderness. The only exception to this was for the lambs which were specifically destined for the Temple sacrifices. These lambs had to be kept close to the holy city so the supply was right at hand. This one location that was not in the wilderness, but in the hills and valleys just outside of Jerusalem was Bethlehem.
The Bethlehem flocks were the only sheep used as sacrificial lambs. They alone became the sacrifice for the sins of the people. This small insignificant town is where Jesus was born because he was to become the ultimate sacrifice for the sins of the world.
Even from his birth, Jesus' life pointed toward the cross. He was destined to be the sacrificed lamb. The very place of his birth spoke of him as dying for our sins.
Do you think every detail of Jesus's life, being so important to God, is surprising? What about every detail of your life?
Luke 12:7 "But the very hairs of your head are all numbered...."
Proverbs 16:9 "A man's heart plans his way, But the LORD directs his steps."
Ephesians 2:10 "For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, wich God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them."
God is interested in every detail of your life. He has plans for you. You were not born in just any place. Your spouse is not just someone you happened upon. How much money you have, the house you have, the car you drive was all known by God from eternity past and God planned every step to bring you where you are today.
God loves you and cares about the minutest details so that you will have a full and abundant life within His will and within His plan of serving with Him.
Photo by Sam Carter on Unsplash