Monday, November 6, 2017

The Christian Faith is not Blind Faith

Blind faith is not Biblical.  Too often a Christian will answer a question about their belief with "Just have faith".  That is like saying a person has to commit intellectual suicide to become a Christian.  If you don't have an answer to a question about Christianity, you need to investigate and find the answer.

"...and always be ready to give a defense to everyone who asks you a reason for the hope that is in you, with meekness and fear;" 1 Peter 3:15b''

The Bible says trusting in Jesus for salvation is the only way to God.  Does it take blind faith to accept Jesus as savior?  No.  Read the Bible and you will find time and time again where God tells of future events which later happened.  Prophecies from God always come true.  Many are coming true today.  That is proof that the Bible comes from God who is outside of our limit of time.  God has the power to get His word to you perfectly and the prophecies show that the Bible is from Him.

Non-Christians think Christians are afraid of science and will deny science to follow their blind faith.  Christians never have to fear science. Science is of God.  He created it.  The Catholic Church demanded scientist to follow what the Church said was true because they feared the truth.  Christians should never fear the truth.  The truth is of God.

The Bible says that God hung the world on nothing. (Job 26:7) Others were saying it sat on the back of a turtle, but the Bible spoke the scientific truth.

The Bible is not a science book but it does contain scientific facts.  It says the earth is a sphere, waters cycle from the river to ocean to the sky and back to the land, and other scientific facts that many times man didn't know until just the last couple hundred years.

If the Bible says something that you do not understand, and you can not find the answer by investigating, never fall back on 'blind faith'.  Look to Jesus.  He has never lied to you.  He has never failed you.  He has always been with you and watched over you.  His promises are always kept.  To trust Jesus is not blind faith.  You are trusting someone who has a perfect past history of truth in your life.  Trusting Jesus is sure faith.

Photo by Tony Rojas on Unsplash

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