I just want to take this post to share with you my heart about where I see Christians standing today.
I wasn't sure we would get to 2018 without the rapture occurring and now I feel more certain that we won't get to 2019. Rapture could occur before I get this post written or before you finish reading it, and it might occur years after this. The world today is falling apart just as scripture says and the only hope we have is the return of Jesus Christ to come and rule.
But it saddens me to look around and see how unprepared we are for the last days. Most of what we call Christian churches are led by false prophets who do not teach scripture. Most of the truly Christian churches do not reach out to the unsaved. They leave that to the preacher. Most Christians do not know their Bible, do not know how to lead a person to Christ and have no idea what a true disciple of Christ is. Many Christians warm a pew and think they have done their Christian duty.
Churches do not teach about the end times and the rapture. The congregations know nothing about what is to happen in the end times or what to look for. The scriptures told when Jesus would come the first time, but when Jesus came the people rejected him because they were not taught about the signs of his coming or the signs of who he would be. We are making the same mistake.
Christians are following after the world. True Bible Believing, Born Again Christians are falling into the ways of the world. Sex before marriage, homosexuality, gluttony, trusting in the Lottery more than God, swearing, addiction (caffeine, alcohol, nicotine), materialism and many other sins Christians are accepting as not that bad.
We are fulfilling, at this very hour,
2 Thessalonians 2:3 which says that before the son of perdition (The Anti-Christ) comes there will be a great falling away. There are many who call themselves Christians who Biblically are not, and many true Christians who are falling into the deception of the world.
I am not perfect. I have done wicked things in the past as well as today. I know I am weak but I am trying to follow what the God says in the Bible. My desire is to please Him and not to be deceived. It saddens me when I find something in my life that is not as God desires and with the help of Jesus, I turn from that sin.
I hate this world because of what it is doing to everyone. The worse part is seeing Christian brothers and sister who fall into the traps of sin this world has forged. I have a brother in Christ, from the group of believers I worship with, who has fallen into sin and it appears he will be divorcing his wife. I still love him but seeing where he is headed gives me great sorrow. The world has its hooks in him and he does not want to turn back to God.
Please exam your life. Read your bible. Spend time with God. Tell others about Christ. Put aside your agenda and follow God's agenda. Don't just read and believe the Bible, live it.
"Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God - this is your true and proper worship. Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is - his good, pleasing and perfect will."
Romans 12:1-2
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