Wednesday, September 20, 2017

The Brides' Future Home

Just as the bride prepares for when she will leave the house she was born into, the groom prepares a house for her to go to.  Her old life, in the house she grew up and lived until now, is past.  The bride no longer will be a part of that house and must have a new place to live.

The groom must prepare for the bride by making a new home built out of love for her.  It is especially built just for her.  He might find out that she has always wanted a shelf to put her most treasured possessions on, and he builds it because of his desire to make her happy.

Jesus said "And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am." John 14: 2-3  Jesus, our groom, has left and is preparing a place for us. He will come back and take us away to our new home so that we may be with him forever.

What is it like?  We have some descriptions of Heaven in the Bible and how beautiful and awesome it is, but no descriptions of our mansions which Christ is building.  We can only imagine how wonderful the homes Jesus is building for us really are.

It took God 6 days to create everything in the universe.  He has been working almost 2000 years so far on our new homes.  Go ahead and imagine the most wonderful creation of a home ever.  God is going to create a home for you that is far greater, more awesome and magnificent then anything your little mind can fathom.

Jesus' love compels him to do far beyond what we can hope for or imagine.  Our groom will bless us with a place that perfectly fits our desires and hopes.  We will dwell with Jesus forever in the Heavenlies perfectly blessed in all ways.

To read other posts from this series:
Part one  "Purchasing the Bride."
Part two  "Preparing the Bride"
Part four "The Snatching of the Bride"
Part five "The Bridal Chamber"

Photo by Vadim Sherbakov on Unsplash

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