Friday, September 1, 2017

The Lesson of the Two Seas

In Israel there are two seas.  To the north is the Sea of Galilee, and to the south is the Dead Sea. The Sea of Galilee is rich with fish and life, while the Dead Sea is empty of life.  There are no fish or vegetation in its waters because of the salt and minerals which prevent life from inhabiting it.

The Sea of Galilee has the freshwater of the Jordan River entering it from the north.  The waters of the Jordan then exit the sea on the south and flow down to the Dead Sea.  The Sea of Galilee doesn't just take in the waters, but it gives what it has received.

The Dead Sea takes and takes, but never gives.  This allow the waters to become saturated with the salts and minerals.  Not passing on what was given to it only brings death.

God gives blessings to us all and what we do with those blessings determines if we will bring forth life to others or only death.  When we do not share the blessing of salvation to others, we leave them to die in their sins.  When we do not share our food with those in need, we show our hearts to be hard, dark and selfishly hording what others need to live.

God gives to us endlessly so that we might give endlessly, just as the Sea of Galilee does.  To take and never give will only make us like the Dead Sea with nothing to show in the end but emptiness.

Photo Credit: The Dead Sea, Israel by tsaiproject

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