Thursday, October 5, 2017

Joseph, The Shadow

There are many foreshadows of the Messiah found in Scriptures.  Shadows that came before him and revealed who the Messiah was.  Joseph was one of those shadows.

Joseph was the beloved son of his father.
Jesus was the beloved son of his father, God.

Joseph was sent on a mission to his brothers
Jesus was sent on a mission to his brothers, the nation of Israel.

Joseph was despised, rejected and plotted against.
Jesus was despised, rejected and plotted against to have him killed.

Joseph was falsely accused and though innocent, was arrested, thrown into prison and suffered because of the sins of others.
Jesus was falsely accused and though innocent, was arrested and suffered punishment for the sins of the world.

Joseph was raised up from the prison and seated in glory on the throne of the Egyptian Kingdom.
Jesus was raised up from the dead and seated upon the throne of glory.

Joseph was the redeemer of Egypt and responsible for saving the entire nation from death.
Jesus is the Redeemer of all people and is the savior of the world from eternal death.

From Genisis to Revelation, Jesus Christ is found.

Photo Credit: Cross shadow by Marjorie Turner

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