Wednesday, October 4, 2017

The Blessing and Cursing of Israel

There is a law in this world that is as sure as the Law of Gravity.  Those who bless Israel will be blessed and those who curse Israel will be cursed.  This law has held true throughout history because it is a promise of God.

Four thousand years ago God spoke to Abraham, a man of faith who left his family and country behind so that he could follow the leading of God.  God promised Abraham, "I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse...." Genesis 12:3a

Assyria, Babylon, Persia, Rome where the greatest kingdoms on earth, but they could not escape the promise God gave to Abraham.  Egypt at one time was the worlds greatest empire, but they oppressed the children of Abraham.  The Hebrews were slaves to the Egyptians until they were led out of Egypt by Moses.  It was at this time that Egypt, the most powerful nation of its time, collapsed to never rise again to be a world power.

Great Britain had become a refuge for the Jews of the world.  They were not persecuted as they were in many other countries of Europe.  They were able to prosper, while in other countries they were limited in what occupations they could have and their property could be legally stolen.  Great Britain had colonies all over the world.  It was the most expansive empire in all of world history.  Then the British reversed their position on the Jews people. They turned their backs on the Jews who were fleeing the Holocaust.  Suddenly this great empire collapsed to virtually nothing.

The country that came to the aid of the Jews was The United States of America.  They welcomed the Jews and became their greatest refuge and protector.  Because of them blessing the Children of Abraham, The United States became the greatest world power of its time.

When God speaks, it is surer than any laws or facts that we can know.   Take any promise found in His Word and believe it with all of your heart. You can trust it with your life.

Photo Credit: Nordhausen 5 by Louise Palanker

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