Jesus is like that. We travel through life with changes in our surroundings. Our job changes, our friends come and go, children grow up and people die. There are times of laughter and times of sorrow. Everyday is different, but one thing always remains the same. God.
Almost two thousand years ago Jesus said, "I am the light of the world." John 8:12 Throughout time kingdoms have risen and fallen. The earth has changed through floods, earthquakes and volcanoes erupting. Mankind has spread across the lands and fought wars. Everything in the world is in flux except for The Son.
God has always been here to help mankind. God's love has reached out to comfort and save. Jesus is God in the form of a man. Fully God and fully man. He died for all mankind, past, present and future. His light shines for all to see. Events at times might try to overshadow the Light of Christ, but in the long run they fade away and Christ shines forth. Everything in this world might collapse and rot away. Lives might come and go. There is nothing permanent in this life except for the Light of Christ shining down upon all mankind. The light shining to show the way to safety and life.
All may change but Him. He is the sun shining down upon you. He never changes. He never stops shining. He shines with love for you.
Photo by Aleksandr Kozlovskii on Unsplash