Thursday, July 27, 2017

Launch Out into the Deep

Where are you living your life?  Are you living in the calm, quiet of the shallow waters, or in the unpredictable, dangerous waters of the deep?

It's nice living in the shallow waters where life is easy and stress free.  You never enter the deeps. You are near the safety of the familiar shore.  It is comfortable here.  Very little can ever disturb you when you live in the shallows.

The deep waters are unknown and unpredictable.  There is no land in sight and safety is beyond the horizon.  The waves of the deep can be huge and completely engulf you.  Storms are more vicious and deadly here. It is not easy, stress free or comfortable.

In Luke 5:4-11 Jesus tells his disciples to "Launch out  into the deep, and let your nets out for a catch."  When they did as Jesus said, they caught so many fish that they filled two boats to almost sinking.  Because they followed what Jesus said, they were blessed beyond what they thought possible.  If the disciples had stayed in the shallows, they would have been more comfortable, but not blessed.

Following God means to leave what is comfortable and  putting out into the deep.  To trust Him with our lives even when storms come to overwhelm us.  It means to not look for familiar shores for safety but to God instead.  This is where we will find true blessings.  This is where God can use us and bring about an abundant harvest.

I was in the US Navy and I have seen waves which completely cover a ship.  I sailed through hurricanes and saw the destruction they possess. It was out in the deep waters where I found myself the most alive and where I saw the might and the glory of God.  I never felt fear our in the deep waters no matter how rough it was, but I found the presence of God much closer out there.

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