One of the most joyous holidays is Christmas, but it is also one of the most depressing for many people. This Christmas many will feel the pain of someone they have lost or simply are not with because of distance. No one can replace a loved one that is missed, but God does have an answer to the lonely.
"I will be a Father to you, And you shall be My sons and daughters, Says the LORD Almighty." 2 Corinthians 6:18
Have you lost a parent? Even God can not replace that parent but He will be a father to you. He is a parent who loves and understands your loss. If you are a Christian He is not just a parent in name but in reality, He is your father. You have become a member of the family of God.
Your family is not with you? Here again, no one can replace anyone in your family, but as the family of God, you do have brothers and sisters in the Lord. While in the Navy, I turned to my Christian family. My brothers in the lord on ship gave me comfort and acceptance. We celebrated together the birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
Missing a parent, a child, a brother or sister? When you love and miss someone, it can bring pain and loneliness. The losses we have suffered and the separations we endure can never be completely filled until we meet again in Heaven, but God does have a family that loves you and desires to comfort you. Your Heavenly Father and Christian brothers and sisters are there to share your loneliness and loss. They are your family who will comfort and love you.
Photo by Ian Espinosa on Unsplash