Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Jesus: The Alpha and The Omega

When God spoke in Isaiah 44:6 He said He is the first and the last.  In Revelation 22:13 Jesus says "I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End."  Alpha is the beginning of the Greek alphabet and omega is the last letter.   My question is 'What is Jesus the beginning and end of?

He was at the beginning of this universe and nothing was created without him.  He will also be around until the end of this universe.  Jesus is eternal.  But it means more than just that.  He is the beginning and the end of history as well.

Jesus came into this world from Heaven and divided time.  All the years of history are referenced to the birth of Jesus.  His birth became the beginning, the alpha of a new age and the end, the omega of the old age.  History is centered around Jesus Christ.

Not only is history centered around Jesus but the life of a Christian is also centered around the day Christ came into their life.  It was on that day that the old life of following the sinful desires of this world ended and the person was born anew to a life of abundant love, joy peace and other blessings of God.  A new day, the beginning of an eternal life lived with Jesus Christ.

The world might not acknowledge Jesus as God and Savior, but their lives are still centered around the day God came into this world almost 2000 years ago.  Christians need to live their lives centered around the day Jesus came into their personal lives.

Every morning make Jesus the Alpha of the Day and every evening the Omega of your day.  The first, the last and every moment in between should be given to Jesus Christ your Lord and Savior.

Photo Credit: Alpha Omega by Thomas Hawk

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