Friday, December 8, 2017

Baal Worship in America

I was surprised to find out just how prevalent Baal worship is here in the United States and even around the world.  I also found out that there is not just one Baal but many manifestations of Baal.  A Baal of one type or another can be found everywhere.

There is a Baal of sex, a Baal of money, a Baal of beauty, a Baal of food and many many more.  If there is a sin to be committed, there is a Baal for it.  It is really quite amazing to learn about the Baalim (plural for Baal) and how diversified they are.  It is also scary to think that when we sin in our lives today, we are actually worshipping a Baal.

I once worshipped the Baal of pornography.  It took God a while but He has taken that Baal off of the throne of my life and now Jesus Christ sits on the throne.  I still have trouble staying away from the Baal of chocolate to this day.  You laugh, but I love Chocolate and it tempts me every day. We have chocolate in our house where once a day, after evening dinner, Kathy and I will each have one Chocolate.  When I am home alone I want to go steal a chocolate and eat it even though they are for sharing with my wife only.

We all have a god of Baal in our lives that desires to sit upon the throne of our hearts and direct our lives.  People everywhere are worshipping a Baal and since everyone else is doing it, it makes worshipping Baal seem normal.  We are addicted to many Baalim who sit where God should be.

Baal means 'owner'. We need to pray and ask God who is the Baal that is mastering us.  Are we owned by Baal or by God?

Photo Credit: God is the Source of Man's Life by Maltz Evans

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