Monday, July 10, 2017

Cold Blooded Evil

In the Scriptures, the serpent is a symbol of evil.  That does not mean that the serpent is evil, but that it represents evil.  The cold blooded serpent moves by twisting its way to its destination.

Evil is also cold blooded and twisted.  Just as a snake twists its body to move, evil twists the truth.  It will twist all that is pure, good and Godly into something defiled and vile.

Deception is cold blooded. Gossip is cold blooded. Illicit sex is cold blooded.  Hatred, slander, revenge, and even pride are all cold blooded.

God desires that those things which are cold blooded to be cast from us.  They are finite while that which is of God will endure forever.  The evil cold blooded things must give way, in the world and in our lives, to the goodness of God.

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