Tuesday, December 26, 2017

The Arch of Titus

The background of this blog is a picture of the carvings on the Arch of Titus in Rome.  It was an arch built to honor Titus' victory over the Jews and taking Jerusalem and capturing the temple.  On the arch, you can see the seven-branch menorah taken as part of the spoils of war.  It was a trophy that stood out from all others to show that the Jews were utterly conquered.

There were many nations conquered by Rome who never came back into power.  After almost two thousand years Israel became a nation again.  Their national seal for Israel is the Menorah and where did they find a picture of the Menorah?  The Roman Empire, who sought to wipe out the Jewish nation actually helped to preserve an image of Israel's precious sacred golden Menorah.  Even when nations try to destroy God's people, God uses them to help preserve them.

You can never stop the plans of God.  What He purposes, He fulfills.  God turns destruction into victories and death into life.  Curses become blessings and darkness becomes light.  The things which man designs to destroy and kill, God can turn around to bless His people and destroy His enemies.

Never doubt God.  He is always faithful.  When the mountains before you look too great, look to Jesus instead.

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