Wednesday, January 17, 2018

The Second Eve

God created everything and the finale of His creation was man.  God created Adam and looked for a suitable helpmate but found none.  God put Adam into a deep sleep and took from his side a rib, which He formed into a woman.  This is how God created Adam and Eve, the first man and woman, who later fell from grace and brought the curse of sin to the world. Genesis 2:18-24

There is a second Adam, Jesus the Christ.  He came to this world to remove that curse and pay for the sins of the world.  His life was given freely so that we, who are under the curse which the first Adam brought, can be rid of that curse forever.

But if Jesus is the second Adam, is there a second Eve?  Just as Adam had been put into a deep sleep, Jesus went into the deep sleep of death.  Just as Eve came from the opened side of Adam, at the crucifixion Jesus' side was opened and blood and water spilled forth from him.  That blood is the cleansing agent for all of our sins, and from that cleansing is birthed new life in Christ.

God brought new life into the world by way of Christ's blood.   A life that is pure and righteous from all sin.  That new life is the Bride of Christ.  The Bride of the Second Adam.  We the Church are the Second Eve.

The name Eve means "life".  From the first Eve, all human life was birthed.  From the second Eve is birthed eternal spiritual life, found only in Jesus.  We are to bring the good news to others.  The good news of life.

"In Him we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of His grace." Ephesians 1:7

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