Monday, January 1, 2018

What is ahead for 2018

Happy New Years everyone.  I hope your past year has been a good one and that God blesses you with an even more wonderful 2018.  God promises to be with those who follow Him. There are many, many verses about how God is with us.  In Isaiah, Jesus is named Immanuel which means "God with us."

2017 has been called "A year of disasters" for good reason.  The Red Cross said it was a record year for disaster response. We had hurricane after hurricane almost right on top of each other this year.  We have the largest forest fire in California history.  Worldwide the story is the same. Natural disaster after natural disaster.

Wars and rumors of wars are increasing.  Today Russia, Iran, Turkey and others are within a few miles of Israel's borders and their armies are growing larger.  President Trump declared that the United States is moving the embassy from Tele Viv to Jerusalem and the Arab countries are having a fit.  The UN is up in arms about it, but President Trump is standing firm.  This could be the spark to set off the Ezekial 38 war. (click here for more on that)

Will 2018 be better?  That depends on you.  According to the Bible, all these events are like birth pains.  The closer to the birth (In this case the return of Jesus Christ) the greater and more frequent come the pains.  These signs will keep increasing in number, strength, and frequency.  Just like when a woman gives birth, it will not end until the end.

If you are a Christian, you need only trust God with your life and well being.  He will care for you and be with you.  Also, I believe the rapture will occur before the seven-year time which begins when the Anti-Christ comes forth with an agreement with Israel and ends when Jesus returns.  This will be a time of God's wrath upon the earth.

Personally, when I look at where the world sits prophetically, I don't think Christians will see 2019 while still on this earth.  I firmly believe the rapture will occur any day now.  This is not from God but from me, but looking at the signs of the times, your next breath might be of Heavenly air.

This means that the time is short.  Satan knows this and his demons are working overtime.  We also should be working to tell others that the time is short and they must come to Christ.  This is not the time to relax, sell everything and sit on a mountain to pray.

"Do you not say, 'There are yet four months, and then comes the harvest'? Behold, I say to you, lift up your eyes and look to the fields, that they are white for harvest." John 4:35

Photo by NordWood Themes on Unsplash

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