Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Consuming Christ

What did the priests in ancient Israel eat?  The priests didn't just sacrifice the animals at the Temple, but they ate the sacrifices as well.  They survived by partaking of the sacrifices as their holy food.  The sacrifice was not just an outward task, but it became an integral part of their very existence.

Just as your food gives you the energy to work, move, talk and live, spiritual food acts as the sustenance for you to work, move, talk and live a spiritual life.  You need holy food to keep your spiritual life healthy.  Unholy food will actually destroy your spiritual life and bring only death.  Hatred, gossip, lust, revenge, and any impure or unclean thought or action emerges from spiritual darkness.

What was the ultimate sacrifice?  Jesus Christ dying on the cross was the sacrifice which all other sacrifices were foreshadowing.   His sacrifice for our sins was the holiest sacrifice of all.

1 Peter 2:9 says that we who follow Jesus are Royal Priests.  As a priest, our lives are to be sustained by eating the sacrifice.  We must live on the food of the priest by partaking of Christ every day.  We will survive spiritually by taking in Christ to sustain us.  His love, mercy, joy, peace, goodness, grace and His very nature and essence are the spiritual substances that keep us alive and working to accomplish God's will in our lives.

You are what you eat.  If we want to be like Christ, we must daily consume His spiritual essence of Godliness found in His Word.

Photo by Jay Wennington on Unsplash 

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